4 Tips to Figure Out Your Wine Palate

4 Tips to Figure Out Your Wine Palate - Clean Wines

What's Your Wine Palate?

So you've been drinking what your parents drank and have bought a few bottles here and there but it's so hit and miss you have no idea what you actually like? We get it. Wine's an intimidating world. Here's our top tips to figuring it out.

How do you take your coffee?

What's coffee got to do with wine? It tells you your tolerance for bitterness. Tannin, found mostly in red wine, can taste bitter like black coffee. So if you love your coffee black, then most likely you'll enjoy Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon. On the other hand, if you prefer a latte, you probably prefer less bitter wines, such as Riesling or Rosé.

How often to you add lemon to your tacos?

Lemon is tart and adding it to anything adds acidity. So if you always add lemon on your food you have a high tolerance for acidity and will probably enjoy Sauvignon Blanc and Pinot Noir. If you only add it sometimes, then you may like Chardonnay and Syrah. And if you can't stand lemon, then your palette may be suited to Malbec and Zinafandel.

How spicy do you like your food?

While there are no spices added to wine, this looks at your tolerance for alcohol. High alcohol can taste hot in your mouth. So if you like extra spice in your food, you'll probably also like Petite Syrah and Merlot. Medium suits Tempranillo and Pinot Gris. and Mild to none would be Rosé and Pinot Noir.

What type of perfume or cologne do you like?

I know you don't drink perfume (I hope!) but this tells us what type of aromas you're attracted to. Exotic Spices? Floral or Earthy Scents? Or perhaps Sweet and Candied? Some grape varieties are more spicy, such as Syrah or extremely floral such as Sauvignon Blanc.

Want more help discovering your wine palate?

Take our 2 minute Palate Quiz to discover wines you would normally never pick yourself.


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